Grade 9 applied collaborative inquiry project

Beginning in 2014, the Ontario Ministry of Education (OME) has supported the Ontario Association for Mathematics Education (OAME) and the Ontario Mathematics Coordinators Association (OMCA) in collaborating with a research team from the University of Ottawa in a two year research project. The impetus of this work has been to pilot and document the implementation of Grade 9 Applied Mathematics with nine school teams situated across the province. The school teams were charged with investigating a variety of opportunities to support the teaching and learning of the Grade 9 Applied Mathematics curriculum in ways that best meet the needs of their students. The research team has followed and participated in the journeys of the project schools, resulting in unique and powerful practitioner/researcher partnerships. This project has given new insights into the ways we can best support teachers as they go about meeting the mandated curricula, and a better understanding of the ways we can best support students in Grade 9 applied mathematics classrooms.


This collection of resources has been developed as a means of sharing this learning journey with the broader educational community.