Grade 9 applied summer learning institutes
During the summer of 2016 the Grade 9 Applied project held two Summer Learning Institutes. The school teams and the research team shared their learning and facilitated co-planning in order to encourage participants to begin their own journey of deeper implementation of the curriculum.
Videos from the variety of plenary, workshop, and working group sessions that were presented during these institutes are available to view.
Plenary sessions
Chris Suurtamm - Overview and Focus of the Project Part 1
Chris Suurtamm - Overview and Focus of the Project Part 2
Chris Suurtamm - Overview and Focus of the Project Part 3
Chris Suurtamm - Effective Ways to Engage in Professional Learning
Chris Suurtamm - Overview Of Effective Classroom Practices
Martha Koch - Five Practices
Alison MacAuley - Grade 9 Applied Math - The Research
*videos to be linked when media face is finished
administrators workshop
Administration: Introduction
Dr. Chris Suurtamm shares research on the important role administrators play in supporting teachers when engaged in professional learning.
Administration: Practices and Impact
An administrator involved in the project shares her school's new practices and some of the positive results.
Administration: identified themes
An administrator involved with the OAME project shares some of the themes that emerged amongst all the administrators involved in the project
Administration: Taking risks
A Vice-Principal shares her experience of working outside her area of expertise.
Assessment workshop
Assessment: Learning goals and success criteria
Defining learning goals and success criteria
Assessment: open response questions
Teachers discuss an example of an open response question
Assessment: different school presentations
Different school teams share different aspects of assessment they focused on during the OAME project.
Assessment: assessing while spiraling
One teacher shares how she approached assessment while spiraling through the curriculum using rich tasks.
Assessment: using EQAO checkpoints
A teacher describes how she uses EQAO questions as checkpoints to assess her students.
continuum of learning workshop
continuum of learning: the track problem
Teachers discuss the track question, the skills students will need and the problems they may encounter
continuum of learning: sequencing expectations
Teachers engage in sequencing expectations and consider the benefits of discussing curriculum expectations with their colleagues across the grades.
creating dialogue panel
creating dialogue: monthly meetings
Teachers share the importance of monthly PLC meetings and finding time to talk with colleagues.
creating dialogue: gains
Teachers discuss what can be gained through dialogue with colleagues as well as how to facilitate dialogue.
examining student thinking workshop
examining student thinking: Clarence's quandary
Teachers look at two different solutions to a problem then examine and discuss student thinking.
extending professional learning panel
extending professional learning: the knowledgeable other
Teachers share the importance of a knowledgeable other.
lesson study panel
Lesson study: plan, observe, debrief
Teachers discuss their approach to engaging in lesson study.
lesson study: lesson gone wrong
Not all lessons designed in a lesson study are successful. Teachers share a story about a lesson that flopped and why that was ok.
lesson study: rich tasks
Teachers share their approach to lesson study which focused on rich tasks and anticipating student thinking.
making thinking visible workshop
making thinking visible: mindset activity
Teachers describe a mindset activity they use to begin the school year in Grade 9 Applied mathematics.
making thinking visible: quizzlet app
Teachers describe an online app called Quizzlet that allows student thinking to be displayed.
making thinking visible: manipulatives in high school
Teachers describe different ways they use manipulatives with high school students.
making thinking visible: four block solution
Teachers describe different how they use the four block solution to support their students problem solving.
making thinking visible: random groupings, vertical surfaces, and rich tasks
Engaging with a rich tasks called “Taxman” on vertical surfaces using random groupings.
making thinking visible: the thinking classroom
A teacher describes how his teaching has evolved due to the influence of researcher Dr. Peter Liljedahl.
rearranging the curriculum workshop
rearranging the curriculum: reordering units
One school team discusses how they altered the traditional order of the Grade 9 Applied course to better suit their students.
rearranging the curriculum: spiraling the curriculum
A school team shares their approach to spiraling through the Grade 9 curriculum.
rearranging the curriculum: spiraling for the first time
A teacher shares her experience trying a spiral approach to the Grade 9 Applied curriculum.
Rich tasks workshop
rich tasks: anticipating
Using the painted cube problem teachers discuss the first stage of the five practices, anticipating.
rich tasks: monitoring
Using the painted cube problem teachers discuss the second stage of the five practices, monitoring.
rich tasks: selecting and sequencing
Using the painted cube problem teachers discuss the third and fourth stages of the five practices, selecting and sequencing..
rich tasks: connecting
Teachers describe different how they use the four block solution to support their students problem solving.
rich tasks: benefits and pitfalls
Teachers discuss the benefits and pitfalls that happen when teachers use rich tasks in their classroom.
rich tasks: Planning considerations
The teachers conclude their presentation by sharing planning considerations and resources.
working across the grades panel
Working across the grades: consistency
Teachers share different ways they have worked across grade levels.
working across the grades: carrying learning forward
A teacher shares her challenge of carrying her learning from this project forward into her other classes.